July 10, 2014

Textual description of firstImageUrl

Clean Redundant Post Revisons With Delete-Revision Plugin To Improve WordPress Speed

There is this useful and easy-to-use plugin called Delete-Revision.  It helps you to clear out redundant and repetitive blog post revisions.

As a result it reduces lots of junk that is taken up in the database.

Delete-Revision plugin clean redundant post revisions

Besides deleting a large amount of redundant post revisions, it helps to increase the speed of implementation of the SQL statement and so is your WordPress speed.

Install And Setup Delete-Revision Plugin

Go to: http://wordpress.org/plugins/delete-revision/

1. Install it.

2. Click on  Activate Plugin.

3. Go to Tools and look for Delete-Revision.

4. Click on it and it will immediately show you the data.

5. That's all you have to do.